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10 Android libraries every developer should know in 2023:

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Android developers have an abundance of libraries to help them build high-quality apps quickly and efficiently. Here are 10 essential Android libraries that have to be taken note of while getting indulged in Android app development Kerala, should be familiar with going into 2023:



Retrofit is the de facto standard for making API calls in Android. It simplifies HTTP client code through a declarative interface. Developers only need to define endpoints and convert response objects into Kotlin or Java POJOs. Retrofit handles the underlying network calls using OkHttp. It supports features like request retries, caching, logging, and mocking.



Glide is a powerful media loading and caching library for Android. It can fetch, decode, and display images, videos, and GIFs from remote URLs or local resources. Glide handles caching, bitmap transformations, background loading, animation support and other functionality out of the box. This prevents developers from building complex media workflows themselves.



The room provides an abstraction layer over SQLite databases for offline data persistence on Android. It eliminates most of the boilerplate code required for interacting with databases. The room allows defining entities with annotations and encapsulates database access operations like reads, writes and queries. It also includes livedata support and migrations.


Material Components

Google’s Material Components library contains modular UI components that implement Material Design guidelines. It provides Android developers with beautiful, customizable UI building blocks like buttons, cards, lists, menus and more. Developers can quickly build interfaces aligned with Material theming using Material Components.



ViewModel is a key Jetpack architecture component for building robust Android apps. It holds and manages UI data across configuration changes like screen rotation. ViewModel allows the data to survive when views are destroyed and recreated. This prevents data loss and inconsistencies in the app.



LiveData is another Jetpack component that implements the observer pattern for data changes and lifecycle awareness. UI components can subscribe to LiveData objects. When the LiveData value changes, it pushes updates to observers. LiveData only updates active components based on lifecycle state, preventing unnecessary work.



Coroutines enable writing async code flows sequentially. This makes async logic easier to read and maintain compared to callbacks. Coroutines suspend execution instead of blocking threads. They utilize Kotlin language features for conversions. Android apps can leverage coroutines for UI, database access, network calls and computationally intensive work.


Dagger Hilt

Dagger Hilt is a dependency injection framework for Android that builds on Dagger. It streamlines injecting classes, interfaces, and values into components. Hilt integrates with Android framework classes through code generation and annotations. This removes the need for writing boilerplate DI code. Hilt makes dependency management simple.



The Navigation component simplifies implementing navigation flows in Android apps. It manages fragment transactions and back stack to allow smooth navigation between destinations. Navigation also includes support for passing data between fragments through safe args. Transition animations and deep linking are also built-in capabilities.



WorkManager is a background task scheduler. It provides a unified API for deferrable async tasks that need guaranteed execution. WorkManager chooses the best scheduling strategy based on criteria like network state, battery level and API level. It also persists through restarts. This frees developers from complex background threading.

These libraries are critical tools for productive and best mobile application development, Kerala. Mastering them allows for building high-quality apps efficiently while avoiding boilerplate code and edge cases. Android’s rich ecosystem will continue expanding with new libraries, but these options will remain the go-to choices.

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